Friday, 16 November 2012

Mrs Calman

On Monday Mrs Larsen was testing Room 15 so Mrs Calman came in and she was teaching us for the day. Instead of giving us random sheets of paper to work on and word finds like the last time this time we stuck to our usual routine. We had to explain what we did for our activities even though everything was the same. It was fun having a different teacher.

Senior School Athletics

On Tuesday the senior school had our athletics. We did high jump, long jump, sprints, long distance and vortex. My favourite was high jump and vortex. I didn't come first, second or third in anything.   

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Contract Wordle

This is my wordle I made for our contract. I created a wordle saying how I would feel if I won a  CO2 car race.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Assembly Item - 2 Pigs, a Wolf and a Mud Pie!

Last Friday we had another assembly item it was called 'Two Pigs, a Wolf and a Mud Pie. I was one of the 7 dwarves with Harry, Josh, Wiremu, Te Paerangi, Elazaey and Makail, we all wore a red hat a green t-shirt and shorts from our school sport uniform. We had to come out of a house singing "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go" around the stage just after the 2 pigs had come out of hiding. The pigs were Jake, Kahu and Keylen. Keylen was sitting on the side of the stage explaining what was happening with Tarron he was the wolf. The story was about the 2 pigs, Kahu and Jake. looking for the third pig Keylen because they couldn't find him and thought he had been eaten by the wolf. My favourite place that they went to was probably the ball.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Bike Safety

Last week we did bike safety with Constable Val only Me, Harry, Tarron, Jake, VJ, Mitchell and Nessian brought our bikes. I was fourth in line. We had to do a course that Constable Val set up to help us learn to overcome obstacles and learn the road rules better. First we had to take sharp turns around some cones then look back for cars and then do the hand signal to say that we are turning. After that we went around the corner, we had to along a bumpy piece of wood and turned another corner. Then we had to go over a ramp and take a short U turn and go through some cones do another U turn and do the hand signal to say your stopping. We put our brakes on and stopped.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Week 3 Reflection

What: This week we did a project we had to choose something that started with the letter f. I chose Fossils because I like fossils and I found some shell fossils. We also started swimming again I dived into the water and I was sliding on the edges of the pool it was fun. We done bike safety too but me, Harry, Isaiah, Tarron, Jake, Mitchell and VJ were the only ones who brought our bikes and helmets so we were the only ones who got to do obstacle courses. I think I took an irresponsible risk this week because I climbed a tree  when we weren't allowed to and I got in trouble because I forgot we weren't allowed to climb them.
So What: This week I learnt how to ride my bike better and more of the road rules and how to get past obstacles better.

Now What: My goal is to get all my work done for the rest of the term and do a lot better than last term because I'm leaving for Wanganui Intermediate School at the end of the year. 


Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Three Investigators Taking Responsible Risk

We have been learning about the habit taking responsible risk. We chose a book we had read and choose a character from it. We needed to decide whether they took irresponsible or responsible risks. I chose the three investigators. I think they are irresponsible risk takers and responsible because they help people get there things back and take on very dangerous mysteries.