Thursday 13 December 2012

My Family

My family is like a classroom
My brother is a calculator because he is super smart. 
My sister Storm, Jemma and Danielle is a radio in a classroom because they are always noisy.                                                      
My mum is a book because she always reads them from front cover to the back.
My dad is a pencil sharpener but instead he sharpens knives.  
I am a glue stick keeping us all together.
My family is like a classroom.

Friday 16 November 2012

Mrs Calman

On Monday Mrs Larsen was testing Room 15 so Mrs Calman came in and she was teaching us for the day. Instead of giving us random sheets of paper to work on and word finds like the last time this time we stuck to our usual routine. We had to explain what we did for our activities even though everything was the same. It was fun having a different teacher.

Senior School Athletics

On Tuesday the senior school had our athletics. We did high jump, long jump, sprints, long distance and vortex. My favourite was high jump and vortex. I didn't come first, second or third in anything.   

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Contract Wordle

This is my wordle I made for our contract. I created a wordle saying how I would feel if I won a  CO2 car race.

Monday 12 November 2012

Assembly Item - 2 Pigs, a Wolf and a Mud Pie!

Last Friday we had another assembly item it was called 'Two Pigs, a Wolf and a Mud Pie. I was one of the 7 dwarves with Harry, Josh, Wiremu, Te Paerangi, Elazaey and Makail, we all wore a red hat a green t-shirt and shorts from our school sport uniform. We had to come out of a house singing "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go" around the stage just after the 2 pigs had come out of hiding. The pigs were Jake, Kahu and Keylen. Keylen was sitting on the side of the stage explaining what was happening with Tarron he was the wolf. The story was about the 2 pigs, Kahu and Jake. looking for the third pig Keylen because they couldn't find him and thought he had been eaten by the wolf. My favourite place that they went to was probably the ball.

Monday 5 November 2012

Bike Safety

Last week we did bike safety with Constable Val only Me, Harry, Tarron, Jake, VJ, Mitchell and Nessian brought our bikes. I was fourth in line. We had to do a course that Constable Val set up to help us learn to overcome obstacles and learn the road rules better. First we had to take sharp turns around some cones then look back for cars and then do the hand signal to say that we are turning. After that we went around the corner, we had to along a bumpy piece of wood and turned another corner. Then we had to go over a ramp and take a short U turn and go through some cones do another U turn and do the hand signal to say your stopping. We put our brakes on and stopped.

Friday 2 November 2012

Week 3 Reflection

What: This week we did a project we had to choose something that started with the letter f. I chose Fossils because I like fossils and I found some shell fossils. We also started swimming again I dived into the water and I was sliding on the edges of the pool it was fun. We done bike safety too but me, Harry, Isaiah, Tarron, Jake, Mitchell and VJ were the only ones who brought our bikes and helmets so we were the only ones who got to do obstacle courses. I think I took an irresponsible risk this week because I climbed a tree  when we weren't allowed to and I got in trouble because I forgot we weren't allowed to climb them.
So What: This week I learnt how to ride my bike better and more of the road rules and how to get past obstacles better.

Now What: My goal is to get all my work done for the rest of the term and do a lot better than last term because I'm leaving for Wanganui Intermediate School at the end of the year. 


Thursday 1 November 2012

The Three Investigators Taking Responsible Risk

We have been learning about the habit taking responsible risk. We chose a book we had read and choose a character from it. We needed to decide whether they took irresponsible or responsible risks. I chose the three investigators. I think they are irresponsible risk takers and responsible because they help people get there things back and take on very dangerous mysteries.  

Monday 29 October 2012

CO2 Cars

Last week we started designing CO2 cars. First we drew them most of us had to restart because we just spent all our time making them look fancy and cool and not aerodynamic. I was one of the people who restarted. I did a better job the second time round. I made it aerodynamic and I still made it a bit fancy. I named it DR Giraffe. I had a lot of fun.

Friday 26 October 2012

The Invention

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week it was labour day so that means that we got the day off school I was so exited. On my day off I went to Castlecliff  park me my sister and her friend also went to the dairy I think it was unfair because I got $1 and they got $1.90c. I got two k bars they were really hard but they were really yum. On Thursday   
we did Rippa rugby again but this time we played a proper game of rugby, everybody was moaning and saying pass the ball stop hogging. 

So What: This week I learnt how to play Rippa rugby and play badminton again. I also think I have done good with our habit of mind taking responsible risk because yesterday I was about to jump off the deck and onto the wooden edge of the garden. I didn't jump because I could have missed and hurt myself or I could land in the garden and get in trouble.

Now What: I want to listen better so I don't get in trouble and get my work finished all of the time.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Rippa Rugby

Last week Room 15 had Rippa Rugby. First we played a game called finding space. In finding space we had to run around like crazy and when we got told to stop we had to sprint to the largest area. When you play finding space it is important to keep your head up because if your looking at the ground you cant see the biggest area. Next we played a game and everyone got a number, 2 people had the same number and there were two teams black and white. One team was attacking and one team was defending. I was in the black team. When a number like 7 was called out the number 7 from each team would run around their team mates, one team would grab the ball and the other would try stop his opponent getting a try. It was fun.

Friday 19 October 2012

My Holiday

In art I learnt that you can paint with lots of different things like cardboard not just a paint brush. I also learnt how to do lots of different patterns and I learnt that after you’ve painted something you can scratch patterns into the paint using the end of a paint brush.

Week 1 Reflection

What: This week on Thursday we did some art. First we got 8 pieces of paper and named them. Then we got our instructions we had to follow them exactly or we would get the whole thing wrong. Later in the afternoon we played rippa rugby. First we played a game called looking for space. In looking for space you had to keep your head up and when we got told to stop we had to quickly run to the biggest area. Who ever had the biggest area gets to pick whatever they want to build in that spot. It was lots of fun. I think I have done good with our new habit of mind taking responsible risk because I was about to jump to a another tree when I was in a tree but I thought I could miss the tree and break a bone, so I didn't.

So What: I learnt that there are lots of different ways to paint not just with a paint brush and I also learnt some new games in rippa rugby.

Now  What: I want to listen and follow instructions better and not talk so I don't get in trouble and so I finish my work. 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Geometry Lesson!

Room 15 have been learning about geometry so we made some pictures like people, cars, games and houses made out of shapes.               

Friday 31 August 2012

Week 7 Reflection

What: This week on Tuesday we had our last Gym session. I went to the last and first session but I missed out on the others because I was sick at home. I was sick at home with a really bad cough and spewing up. I felt YUCK I got a bit better after a few days and I could get out of bed and watch television. On Thursday went to buddy art  in room nine. We were making bugs. First we made the body with a sponge then we made the legs by dipping a piece of cardboard into paint and making a leg shape with it. Then we used a paint brush for the feet.  

So What: I think I did quite good with our habit of mind this week because I have used all of the senses looking, listening, touch and smelling.

Now What: I want to get all my work done so I don't have to finish it in room four or stay in class.

Friday 27 July 2012

The Olympic Rings

                                             The Olympic Rings

The colours of five interlocking rings represent the five participating continents: Australia, Africa, America, Asia and Europe.

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week Room 15 went to the Wanganui Boys & Girls Gym Club. We played some games and ran around for a while. Then we got into 4 groups and started circuits. We also went to the Tech Expo. There were lots of different schools. We all got to meet a small Japanese robot. It can understand and speak Japanese. Our habit of mind that we are focusing on is think and communicate with clarity and precision.

So What: This week I learnt what a pike is at the gym and if I work hard and stay on task I can get my work done on time. I learnt to speak with clarity and precision and to be specific. I also learnt that small Japanese robots are heavy. 

Now What: I want to keep working hard and staying on task to get my work done on time.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Writing Activity

Last week my friend Matthew stayed the night at my house. We went on the tramp Matthew jumped as high as our house he jumped higher than me. Then we climbed up the highest tree I climbed as high as a two story house. Matthew climbed as high as the house and a half. Matthew and I had a race to the bottom of the tree Matthew beat me because he was lower down than me. We asked my dad if we could go on the computer he replied "Yeah" We ran as fast as a cheetah to the computer. I turned the computer on it took a while for it to turn on. When we had finished on the computer we had tea and went to bed                

Wednesday 30 May 2012


Today we went to the Museum to talk and learn about stars. We went into the cosmodome and learnt some of the constellations too, like Scorpius and Orion's belt. Orion's Belt is three stars in a row and we also saw Puanga, Matariki and the Milky Way. I learnt that blue stars are hotter than the sun. We celebrate Puanga on the 22nd of June. I also learnt that Orion was a great hunter but he got greedy and hunted all the animals on Earth so a god sent down a very poisonous scorpion. The scorpion stung Orion with his poisonous tail and Orion died. We got to see all the constellations in the cosmodome. There was Leo the lion, an anchor, a centaur, a dead soldier, a man holding a snake, the pot, a viking, a viking ship and others.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Using Place Value

In my maths group we have been learning to solve math problems. I made a glog showing I can solve maths problems with place value.  

Thursday 24 May 2012

3D Picasso Faces

Last week we started creating 3D Picasso faces. First we drew them lightly. We drew a face, made a neck and a shirt if we wanted. Then we painted them. We got to choose out of green, purple, blue, yellow and a few others. We let them dry over lunch time then we started to put on material for the facial features to make it look 3D. First we got the backround for the eyes then some pupils and eye brows im doing my eye brows.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Week 4 Reflection

What: This week we have been focusing on thinking about thinking it is like when you talk out loud when you do something wrong then change it like Graham Braddock did when he was teaching us how to draw a possum. Room15 and Room5 have been learning about cup stacking. We had some expert cup stackers come in and they showed us some of the stuff they have learnt. We had some practices then we had a big cup stacking relay! When we finished our relay the experts had a little relay, they were so fast I could just see there hands. Before that we had former All Black Frank Bunce to talk to us about Westpac Helicopter Trust and a bit of Rugby.

So What: This week I learnt that the Westpac Trust Helicopter save people from places that ambulances can't. If they can't lower the helicopter low enough they use a winch and send two paramedics down. Then they get the person and take them to the nearest hospital.

What: My goal is to finish my homework and work on time. I want to get better at P.E and Music at Rutherford.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Frank Bunce

Today Frank Bunce, former All Black, came and talked to Carlton School about the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. He also answered some questions like how old he was when he stopped playing rugby. He stopped playing at the age of 37. Room 15 was lucky because we got a picture taken with him and we got his autograph as well. We are going to photo copy the autograph so everybody in Room 15 gets his autograph. The Westpac Rescue Helicopter pilot told us when someone is stuck at sea or something like that they use a winch and get lowered down to get to the injured or drowning person.

Words to use instead of said

This is another fantastic Wordle I made about words to use in instead of said. Hope you like it.

Friday 11 May 2012

Week 3 Reflection

What: This week on Monday Room 15 went to Rutherford for fitness. My group practiced pivoting and passing the ball then we played a game. After a while the groups swapped over and my group went to music. This time I had a go at the keyboard instead of the guitar. Then we went back to School after we finished music. Then on Tuesday we started doing Picasso faces. My Picasso face colour is yellow, purple, brown and blue my background is red. On Thursday we did buddy class some of us showed our buddy's how to post. Me and my buddy Skyla did a wordle about herself. 

So What: I learnt how to pivot better and to pass the ball with both hands and aim for the chest I also learnt a new game.

Now What: My goal is to finish my work and homework so I don't have to go to Room 4 and get detentions.

Friday 27 April 2012


My Easter holidays
                                                                                                     Plus: My mum’s boyfriend Ross works at Affco so we got to protest. When we protested we walked from the warehouse then walked down Victoria Ave and went into the middle of town. It took ages because there were heaps of people from Affco and people that live in Wanganui.   
Minus: We had to get up at 6:30 a.m. because it takes ages to get there.
Interesting: My mum’s friend gave me and my sister Storm free lollies and a sausage sizzle. I liked the lollies best.                                        

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Explore Parliament

Today Room 15 went on a site called explore Parliament, it is where you are the Prime Minister of Zilargoye. You can make a law about how high, how fast and how old you have to be to fly a flying carpet. When you have decided what you want you go to the debating chamber and have an  argument. To win the argument you have to keep pressing the left and right buttons  your key board but even if you do win the law can still be changed. Like 200 km can be changed to 50 km and the age be changed to from 5 to 16.

Monday 2 April 2012

Mrs O Conner's sister

Last week Mrs O Conner’s sister Lyn came to Room 15. She knows tons of stuff about prison because she is an x prison guard. It doesn’t sound nice either. You get ice cream and fish n chips once or twice a year by time you get the ice cream it’s all melted.

Friday 30 March 2012

Week 9 Reflection

What: This week Mrs Larsen showed us a new programme called comic life. You can choose out of loads of fonts for your title and make your own comic! Room 15 went on a trip to Fordell School. There school was small but it was still a lot of fun. Then we went to a sheep farm, the man that owned the farm sheared a sheep even though he wasn't a shearer. We got to keep some wool. Next we went to a dairy farm the owner was rich he had a really flash house, a tennis court and a pool.

So What: I learnt that when you drench a sheep you do it in the side of there mouth. I learnt what comic life is.

Now What: My goal is to finish my homework more often.

Friday 16 March 2012

Week 7 Reflection

What: On Thursday Room 15, 6, 5 and the year 5's of Room 4 went to Putiki Marae it was extraordinary. I liked making fried bread because we got to eat it. They were delicious, they were even almost as yum as my dad's boil up. My group didn't  get  to go on the waka because the weather was to rough. And on Tuesday we went to the hall and saw two constables. Constable Grey and Constable Val.

Now what: This week I learnt a new game at the marae,It was called Ki O Rahi.When we listened to the police talk I learned that the baton has a button that makes the baton extend.

So what: I need to finish all my homework so I don't have to go to detention.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Spirit Day

Last week on Friday we had a Spirit Day it was called Hero day. Brandin dressed up as an Army Engerneer, Isaiah dressed up as Captain Underpants. It was funny.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Week 5 Reflection

What: This week we had Purple Cake Day, if you bring a gold coin donation to school you could buy a purple cupcake. Or you could just donate money. Room 15 went to Room 9 and had a celebration. First we did some finger painting then we had a purple cupcake.

So What: I learnt how to do a dot plot in maths. It was hard. I also learnt some new songs in Kapa Haka.

Now What: I want to finish my homework on time.

Friday 24 February 2012

Week 4 Reflection

what:this week we did beach safety at Castlecliff beach. we played lots of games at morning tea and lunch we went and played at castlecliff beach park. we learnt how to be safe and sun smart. we had a reliever teach us for two days. at the end of the day if u got5 5 ticks you got a freddo.

So what:this week I learnt how to be safe at the beach and to be sun smart and what equipment a life guard needs.

now what: I want to finish my work on time so i dont have to go to room 7.

Friday 17 February 2012

Week 3 Reflection

What: I learnt how to post a story on my blog and post a picture too. We went on a new website called Befunky where you can design a cool picture of yourself. We also did a listening test for year 6's only. It was hard and easy at the same time.

So What: This week I learnt how to speak Maori greetings and farewells e.g for a Maori farewell Haere ra-goodbye to someone leaving e.g for a Maori greeting Morena-good morning.

Now What: My goal is to finish work on time more often so I don't have to go to Room 7.

Thursday 16 February 2012


A few days ago Mrs Larsen showed Room15 a website called befunky where you can design a cool picture of yourself. This is one of mine.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Last week Mrs Larsen showed room15 a website called wordle, you write down stuff about yourself like sporty,styly,creative. This one is mine.

Friday 3 February 2012

The Start Of A New Blog

Im so excited I've finally got my own blog!!! It's called Anaru's Game Freak Blog. It's the start of a new blog.